We’re dedicated to providing you with the best customer service possible.
We know that sometimes the problems which cause complaints can be frustrating and upsetting.
However, it's important for our customers to treat our team with courtesy and respect at all times.
Unacceptable and unreasonable behaviour from customers negatively affects our team and, in turn, the level of service we can provide for all.
What is unacceptable behaviour?
For the purpose of this policy, we define unacceptable behaviour as acting unreasonably, no matter how stressed, frustrated, or angry you may feel.
Examples may include:
Aggressive or abusive behaviour
Our team should never have to face aggressive or abusive behaviour at work, and it will not be tolerated. This includes any behaviour we consider rude, violent, insulting, or threatening, such as:
Offensive language
Any form of discrimination
Inflammatory statements
Threats of violence
Unreasonable Demands
Sometimes customers make requests that we cannot reasonably accommodate.
This may include, but is not limited to:
Insisting on a response or an action within an unreasonable time frame
Insisting on speaking to someone who we’ve explained isn’t the appropriate person to speak to i.e. a director
Repeatedly requesting an outcome that cannot be achieved
Refusal to accept our decisions; repeatedly arguing or complaining about a decision that has been made.
Example: if you repeatedly contact us about the same issue, when the issue has already been dealt with in line with our policies, this can amount to an unreasonable demand. Such behaviour takes up a disproportionate amount of our time and resources and can affect our ability to provide a good service to others.
How we will respond to unacceptable behaviour
If you display unacceptable behaviour, our team have the right to stop replying to you.
Beforehand, we will usually warn you that you are behaving in an unacceptable manner, giving you the opportunity to change your behaviour.
However, in extreme cases- such as where a threat is made, a warning will not be given.
We will take the following steps:
1- Ask you to modify your behaviour and explain why
2- If the behaviour continues, the team member will remove themselves from the situation and all communication will end
3- The team member will create a record of the incident, which will be reviewed by the senior management team, who will then decide what action to take.
4- Where a criminal offence has been threatened or committed, we’ll contact the police.